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The namespace provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for managing and interacting with the camera within the reearth environment.



This property provides the current position and orientation of the camera within reearth. It gives a comprehensive information about the camera’s geographical location, altitude, and angular orientation. This information is important for understanding or logging the camera’s viewpoint.

Syntax CameraPosition | undefined;

Return Value

Type CameraPosition

An object with detailed position and orientation data if the camera position is defined.

Type undefined

Indicates that the camera position is not currently available.


// Example 1: Retrieve the current camera position
const currentPosition =;
// Check if the position is available
if (currentPosition) {
console.log("Longitude:", currentPosition.lng);
console.log("Height:", currentPosition.height);
console.log("Heading:", currentPosition.heading);
console.log("Pitch:", currentPosition.pitch);
console.log("Roll:", currentPosition.roll);
} else {
console.log("Camera position is undefined.");


This represents the camera’s field of view (FOV) in reearth, and defines the extent of the observable world seen at any given moment. This parameter is crucial for adjusting how broad or narrow the camera’s perspective is.

Please note that FOV is only available when the camera is in perspective mode.

Syntax number | undefined

Return Value

Type number | undefined

A numeric value representing the field of view of the camera in radians. The field of view can significantly affect how content is perceived in a 3D space, with higher values providing a wider perspective, and lower values providing a more focused, zoomed-in view.

If the field of view is undefined, it indicates that the camera’s FOV is either not set or unavailable under current conditions.


// Example 1: Access and log the camera's current field of view
const cameraFov =;
if (cameraFov !== undefined) {
console.log("Current Camera FOV (radians):", cameraFov);
} else {
console.log("Camera FOV is undefined.");
// Example 2: Adjust based on FOV
// Check and adjust the camera's field of view if too wide
const cameraFov =;
if (cameraFov !== undefined && cameraFov > 1) {
console.log("Camera FOV is wide. Consider reducing for a more focused view.");
} else if (cameraFov !== undefined) {
console.log("Camera FOV is optimal for current view.");


This property represents the width-to-height ratio of the camera’s viewport in the reearth environment. This ratio affects how content is displayed within the camera’s view, ensuring that objects are rendered without distortion based on the dimensions of the viewport.

Syntax number | undefined

Return Value

Type number | undefined

A numeric value representing the aspect ratio of the camera’s viewport, defined as the width divided by the height. For example, a typical widescreen monitor might have an aspect ratio of 16:9, represented as approximately 1.78, while a square aspect ratio would be 1:1 (1.0). The aspect ratio influences how objects appear in the view, with wider aspect ratios providing more horizontal view and taller aspect ratios offering more vertical view.


// Example 1: Access and log the camera's current aspect ratio
const cameraAspectRatio =;
if (cameraAspectRatio !== undefined) {
console.log("Current Camera Aspect Ratio:", cameraAspectRatio);
} else {
console.log("Camera aspect ratio is undefined.");
// Example 2: Adjust camera view based on aspect ratio
const cameraAspectRatio =;
if (cameraAspectRatio !== undefined && cameraAspectRatio > 1.8) {
"Camera aspect ratio is very wide. Consider adjusting the view for better composition."
} else if (cameraAspectRatio !== undefined) {
console.log("Camera aspect ratio is within a normal range.");


This property represents the geographic boundaries currently visible in the camera’s view. It returns a GeoRect object defining the western, southern, eastern, and northern extents of the camera’s visible area, which can be useful for understanding the camera’s field of view in geographic coordinates.

Syntax GeoRect | undefined

Return Value

Type GeoRect | undefined

An object describing the geographic boundaries of the current viewport.

If the viewport is undefined, it indicates that the camera’s current geographic boundaries are not set or cannot be retrieved, which might occur in scenarios where the camera is not focused on a geographic region.


// Example 1: Access and log the current geographic boundaries of the viewport
const viewportBounds =;
if (viewportBounds) {
console.log("Viewport bounds:");
console.log("West:", viewportBounds.west);
console.log("South:", viewportBounds.south);
console.log("East:", viewportBounds.east);
console.log("North:", viewportBounds.north);
} else {
console.log("Viewport is undefined.");
// Example 2: Check viewport and suggest adjustments
const viewportBounds =;
if (viewportBounds) {
console.log("Current Viewport:", viewportBounds);
// Check if viewport extends too far west or east
if (viewportBounds.west < -180 || viewportBounds.east > 180) {
"Viewport extends beyond global bounds. Consider adjusting the camera."
} else {
console.log("Viewport is within normal geographic bounds.");
} else {
console.log("Viewport is undefined.");



This method smoothly moves the camera to a specified destination with optional controls for animation duration, easing, and field of view (FOV). This function is useful for guiding the camera to specific locations or layers in the scene, allowing for smooth transitions and custom animations.

destination: LayerId | CameraPosition,
options?: CameraMoveOptions & { fov?: number }
) => void;



Specifies the target destination for the camera. It can be a LayerId (string) to focus on a specific layer or a CameraPosition object specifying the precise geographic and orientation parameters.

Type: LayerId | CameraPosition

LayerId: A string that represents the ID of a specific layer that the camera should move to.

CameraPosition: An object defining the camera’s latitude, longitude, height, and orientation.



An optional object that provides control over the movement animation and field of view.

Type: CameraMoveOptions & { fov?: number }

CameraMoveOptions: An object that provides control over the movement animation

fov?: number: Specifies the field of view (in radians) for the destination. Adjusts the camera’s FOV as part of the transition.

Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Fly to specified coordinates with a 3-second animation
{ lat: 35.6895, lng: 139.6917, height: 500 }, // Tokyo coordinates
{ duration: 3 } // 3-second animation duration
// Example 2: Fly to a layer instantly without animation
const layerId = "layer123";, { withoutAnimation: true });
// Example 3: Fly to coordinates with a 4-second animation, custom FOV, and easing function
lat: 48.8566, // Latitude for Paris
lng: 2.3522, // Longitude for Paris
height: 1500, // Altitude in meters
heading: 0.785, // Heading in radians (45 degrees clockwise)
pitch: -0.523, // Pitch in radians (30 degrees downward)
roll: 0, // No roll
duration: 4, // Set animation duration to 4 seconds
withoutAnimation: false, // Ensure animation is enabled
fov: 0.8, // Set field of view to 0.8 radians
easing: (t) => t * t, // Custom easing for a slower start


This smoothly moves the camera to focus on a specified geographic bounding box, with optional parameters for animation, orientation, and distance. This method is useful for zooming out to show a region or zooming in to highlight specific areas within the viewport.

boundingBox: GeoRect,
options?: CameraMoveOptions & {
heading?: number;
pitch?: number;
range?: number;
) => void;



Type: GeoRect

An object that defines the geographic boundaries of the target area



An object to control animation, orientation, and zoom level.


CameraMoveOptions & {
heading?: number;
pitch?: number;
range?: number;

heading?: number; The direction the camera faces in radians, where 0 points north. Positive values rotate clockwise.

pitch?: number; The vertical angle of the camera, in radians. Negative values tilt downward.

range?: number; The distance from the center of the bounding box to the camera, in meters. This controls the zoom level.

Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Fly to a bounding box with a 2-second animation
{ west: -74.1, south: 40.7, east: -73.9, north: 40.8 }, // New York City area
{ duration: 2 } // 2-second animation duration
// Example 2: Fly to a bounding box without animation
{ west: 139.6, south: 35.6, east: 139.8, north: 35.7 }, // Tokyo area
{ withoutAnimation: true }
// Example 3: Fly to a bounding box with full parameters in use
west: -122.55, // Western boundary of San Francisco area
south: 37.7, // Southern boundary
east: -122.35, // Eastern boundary
north: 37.85, // Northern boundary
duration: 5, // Set animation duration to 5 seconds
withoutAnimation: false, // Enable animation
easing: (t) => t * t, // Custom easing for a slower start
heading: 0.785, // Set heading to 0.785 radians (45 degrees clockwise)
pitch: -0.523, // Tilt downward to -0.523 radians (30 degrees)
range: 4000, // Set camera distance to 4000 meters from the center


This method moves the camera closer to the scene by reducing the camera’s altitude. The zoom effect can be customized with optional animation settings such as duration and easing. This method is useful for providing a more detailed view of objects or areas in the scene.

Syntax (amount: number, options?: CameraMoveOptions) => void;



Type: number

Specifies the zoom level. A positive value moves the camera closer to the scene by reducing the altitude, larger values result in greater zoom level. Negative values would theoretically move the camra further away.



An object to control the animation of the zoom operation.


Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Zooming in on the current view by a factor with animation, {
duration: 3,
easing: (t) => t * (2 - t), // Quadratic easing in-out
// Example 2: Instant zoom in without animation, {
withoutAnimation: true,
// Example 4: Zoom in with animation and custom easing function, {
duration: 3, // Set animation duration to 3 seconds
withoutAnimation: false, // Enable animation
easing: (t) => t * t, // Custom easing function for slower start


This is used for decreasing the camera’s zoom level relative to its current position by a specified amount, enabling a wider view of the scene.. The zoom effect can be customized with optional animation settings such as duration and easing. This method is useful for providing a broader view of the environment or for transitioning to a wide perspective.

Syntax number, options?: CameraMoveOptions) => void;



Type: number

Specifies the zoom level. A positive value moves the camera farther from the scene by increasing the altitude. Larger values result in a more significant zoom-out effect.



An object to control the animation of the zoom operation.


Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Zoom out instantly, { withoutAnimation: true });
// Example 2: Zoom out with a custom easing function, {
duration: 2, // Set animation duration to 2 seconds
easing: (t) => t * t, // Custom easing for a slower start
// Example 3: Zoom out with a custom easing function and animation, {
duration: 4, // Animation lasts 4 seconds
withoutAnimation: false, // Enable animation
easing: (t) => t * (2 - t), // Custom easing for smooth acceleration and deceleration


This adjusts the camera to focus on a specified destination, allowing control over the camera’s orientation, distance, and field of view (FOV). This method is ideal for directing the user’s attention to specific locations or objects within the scene.

destination: LookAtDestination,
options?: CameraMoveOptions & { fov?: number }
) => void;



Type: LookAtDestination

An object that pecifies the target location for the camera.



An optional object that provides control over the movement animation and field of view.

Type: CameraMoveOptions & { fov?: number }

CameraMoveOptions: An object that provides control over the movement animation.

fov?: number: Specifies the field of view (in radians) for the destination. Adjusts the camera’s FOV as part of the transition.

Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Focus on specific coordinates with a default animation{
lat: 34.0522, // Latitude for Los Angeles
lng: -118.2437, // Longitude for Los Angeles
height: 1000, // Altitude in meters
// Example 2: Focus on coordinates with custom heading, pitch, and range
lat: 51.5074, // Latitude for London
lng: -0.1278, // Longitude for London
height: 1000, // Altitude in meters
heading: 1.57, // Heading in radians (90 degrees clockwise)
pitch: -0.785, // Pitch in radians (45 degrees downward)
range: 2000, // 2 kilometers from the focus point
duration: 3, // Set animation duration to 3 seconds
// Example 3: Use all destination and options parameters
lat: 35.6895, // Latitude for Tokyo
lng: 139.6917, // Longitude for Tokyo
height: 500, // Altitude in meters
heading: 0.785, // Heading in radians
pitch: -0.523, // Pitch in radians
range: 1500, // 1.5 kilometers from the focus point
radius: 100, // Focus area radius in meters
duration: 5, // Animation lasts 5 seconds
withoutAnimation: false, // Enable animation
easing: (t) => t * t, // Custom easing for a slower start
fov: 1.2, // Set field of view to 1.2 radians


This calculates the intersection of the camera’s view with the globe’s surface or terrain. It returns the geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, and height) of the intersection point and optionally calculates the visible area of the viewport. This method is particularly useful for applications that require interaction with the ground or terrain, such as measuring distances or determining visibility.

Syntax (options: Options) =>
| {
center?: LatLngHeight;
viewSize?: number;
| undefined;



An optional object to control the intersection calculation.


type Options = {
withTerrain?: boolean;
calcViewSize?: boolean;

withTerrain?: boolean;: If true, the function accounts for terrain height when calculating the intersection point. Default is false (flat terrain). If false or omitted, the calculation assumes a flat globe surface.

calcViewSize?: boolean;: If true, the function calculates the size of the visible area on the ground (view size) from the camera’s perspective in meters. Default is false.

Return Value:

{center?: LatLngHeight; viewSize?: number;} | undefined

The function returns an object if an intersection is found, or undefined if there is no intersection.

center?: LatLngHeight: The geographic coordinates of the intersection point.

type LatLngHeight = {
lat: number; // Latitude of the intersection point in decimal degrees.
lng: number; // Longitude of the intersection point in decimal degrees.
height: number; // Height of the intersection point above the ground in meters.

viewSize?: number: The size of the visible area (in meters) on the ground from the camera’s perspective.


// Example 1: Calculate intersection with terrain and view size
const intersection ={
withTerrain: true, // Enable terrain intersection
calcViewSize: true, // Calculate visible area size
if (intersection) {
console.log("Intersection Point:",;
console.log("View Size (meters):", intersection.viewSize);
} else {
console.log("No intersection found.");
// Example 2: Calculate intersection with a flat globe surface and no view size calculation
const intersection ={
withTerrain: false, // Assume a flat globe surface
calcViewSize: false, // Do not calculate the visible area size
if (intersection && {
console.log("Intersection Point:",;
} else {
console.log("No intersection found.");
// Example 3: Safely handle undefined intersection
const intersection ={
withTerrain: true,
if (!intersection) {
console.log("No intersection found. The camera may be above the globe.");
} else if ( {


This method enables the camera to rotate around its current focus point by a specified angle in radians. This functionality is useful for exploring a scene while keeping the focus point stationary.

Syntax number) => void;



Type: number

The angle by which to rotate the camera, measured in radians. Positive values rotate the camera clockwise, and negative values rotate it counterclockwise.

Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Rotate the camera 1 radian clockwise;
// Example 2: Rotate the camera -0.5 radians counterclockwise;


This method enables the camera to rotate to the right around its current position by a specified angle in radians, without focusing on any specific external point.

Syntax number) => void;



Type: number

The angle by which to rotate the camera, measured in radians. Positive values rotate the camera to the right, and negative values rotate it to the left.

Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Rotate the camera 0.785 radians (45 degrees) to the right;
// Example 2: Rotate the camera 1 radian to the right (clockwise);
// Example 3: Rotate the camera -1.57 radians (-90 degrees) to the left (counterclockwise);


This enables the camera to rotate around the center of the Earth by a specified angle in radians, providing a global perspective. This functionality is particularly useful for quickly exploring the globe from different angles.

Syntax number) => void;



Type: number

The angle by which to orbit the camera, measured in radians. Positive values orbit the camera clockwise, and negative values orbit it counterclockwise.

Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Orbit the camera 2 radians clockwise around the Earth;
// Example 2: Orbit the camera -1 radian counterclockwise around the Earth;


This method allows the camera to move in a specified direction relative to its current position. This method is useful for navigating the scene dynamically, providing precise control over the camera’s movement along different axes.

direction: "forward" | "backward" | "up" | "down" | "left" | "right",
amount: number
) => void;



Type: "forward" | "backward" | "up" | "down" | "left" | "right"

forward: Moves the camera forward (closer to the direction it is facing). backward: Moves the camera backward (away from the direction it is facing). up: Moves the camera upward along the vertical axis. down: Moves the camera downward along the vertical axis. left: Moves the camera left along the horizontal axis. right: Moves the camera right along the horizontal axis


Type: number

Specifies the distance (in meters) that the camera moves in the chosen direction. A larger value results in a more significant movement.

Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Move the camera forward by 500 meters"forward", 500);
// Example 2: Move the camera upward by 200 meters"up", 200);
// Example 3: Move the camera to the left by 100 meters"left", 100);
// Example 4: Move the camera backward by 300 meters"backward", 300);


This method instantly sets the camera to a specified position and orientation, without animations. This method is ideal for quickly positioning the camera to a specific view with precise control over location, orientation, and field of view (FOV).

view: CameraPosition & { fov?: number }
) => void;



Type: CameraPosition & { fov?: number }

An object defining the camera’s position, orientation, and optional field of view.

fov?: number: Optional field of view for the camera, measured in radians, controlling the camera’s viewing angle.

Return Value:

None (void). The method performs its operation without returning a value.


// Example 1: Set the camera to a specific position with heading, pitch, and roll{
lat: 35.6895, // Latitude for Tokyo
lng: 139.6917, // Longitude for Tokyo
height: 1000, // Altitude in meters
heading: 1.57, // Heading in radians (90 degrees clockwise)
pitch: -0.785, // Pitch in radians (45 degrees downward)
roll: 0, // No roll
// Example 2: Set the camera with a custom field of view{
lat: 48.8566, // Latitude for Paris
lng: 2.3522, // Longitude for Paris
height: 1500, // Altitude in meters
heading: 0.785, // Heading in radians (45 degrees clockwise)
pitch: -0.523, // Pitch in radians (30 degrees downward)
roll: 0, // No roll
fov: 1.2, // Field of view in radians
// Example 3: Set the camera without heading, pitch, or roll{
lat: 40.7128, // Latitude for New York City
lng: -74.006, // Longitude for New York City
height: 2000, // Altitude in meters



This event is triggered whenever the camera’s position or orientation changes within the reearth environment. This event allows users to listen for and respond to camera movements, providing the updated camera position and orientation.

Syntax"move", (camera: CameraPosition) => void): void;



Type: CameraPosition

A function that is called whenever the move event occurs. The callback receives the updated camera position as an argument.


// Example 1: Listen for camera movement and log the updated position"move", (camera) => {
console.log("Camera moved:");
console.log("Longitude:", camera.lng);
console.log("Height:", camera.height);
console.log("Heading:", camera.heading);
console.log("Pitch:", camera.pitch);
console.log("Roll:", camera.roll);
// Example 2: Trigger a custom action whenever the camera moves"move", (camera) => {
if ( && camera.lng) {
console.log(`Camera moved to ${}, ${camera.lng}`);



An object that contains detailed position and orientation data.

type CameraPosition = {
lat?: number;
lng?: number;
height?: number;
heading?: number;
pitch?: number;
roll?: number;

lat?: number;: The latitide where the camera is positioned (in decimal degrees).

lng?: number;: The longitude where the camera is positioned (in decimal degrees).

height?: number: The altitude of the camera above the Earth’s surface, determining how high or low the camera is positioned (in meters).

heading?: number;: The direction the camera is facing. A heading of 0 points north, with the value increasing clockwise (in radians).

pitch?: number;: Pitch angle, the vertical tilt of the camera. Positive values tilt the view upwards, while negative values tilt it downwards (in radians).

roll?: number;: Roll angle, the rotation of the camera around its view direction (in radians).


An object describing the geographic boundaries of the current viewport:

type GeoRect = {
west: number;
south: number;
east: number;
north: number;

west: number: The western boundary of the viewport, in decimal degrees of longitude.

south: number: The southern boundary of the viewport, in decimal degrees of latitude.

east: number: The eastern boundary of the viewport, in decimal degrees of longitude.

north: number: The northern boundary of the viewport, in decimal degrees of latitude.


An object that provides control over the movement animation.

type CameraMoveOptions = {
duration?: number; // in seconds
withoutAnimation?: boolean;
easing?: (time: number) => number;

duration?: number; Specifies the duration of the camera movement in seconds. If omitted, a default duration is used.

withoutAnimation?: boolean; If set to true, the camera moves instantly to the destination without animation. Default is false (animated).

easing?: (time: number) => number; A custom easing function for controlling the animation pace, where time is a normalized value between 0 and 1.


An object that specifies the target location for the camera.

type LookAtDestination = {
lat?: number;
lng?: number;
height?: number;
heading?: number;
pitch?: number;
range?: number;
radius?: number;

lat?: number Latitude of the target location in decimal degrees.

lng?: number; Longitude of the target location in decimal degrees.

height?: number; Altitude of the target location above sea level in meters.

heading?: number; Orientation of the camera in radians. (0 = north, positive values rotate clockwise).

pitch?: number; Vertical tilt of the camera in radians. Negative values tilt downward.

range?: number; Distance from the camera to the target location in meters.

radius?: number; Specifies the radius around the target, controlling how far the camera is from the target while looking at it.